You have been sucessfully added to the Flap.TV mailing list !"; } } else { $error .= "That email address appears to be invalid. Please enter a valid email address."; } } } else if ($Submit) { $error .= "A name and email address are both necessary to be added to the mailing list."; } ?> Flap.TV - Music Index

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Click here for download statistics.
Click here to return to music.

"; if ($lvl==2) { //print "$file
"; $band = $file; } if ($lvl==1 || $first) { //print "$file
"; $album = $file; } if ($lvl < 1) { $lvl=2; $band = $file; } $newpath = $path . "/" . $file . "/"; listdir($newpath); $lvl++; } else { $amt_mp++; if (ereg(".mp3",$file)) { $numfl++; $n_file = ereg_replace($dir, "", $path). $file; $n_file = str_replace ("//","/",$n_file); $n_file = rawurlencode($n_file); $dl_file = "/download.php?file=" . $n_file; $file_array[$numfl]['band']=$band; $file_array[$numfl]['path']=$n_file; $file_array[$numfl]['title']=$file; $file_array[$numfl]['url']=$dl_file; $file_array[$numfl]['album']=$album; } } } } } $dir = "/var/www/flap/htdocs/music/"; $webdir = "music/"; listdir($dir); print "

There are currently $amt_mp MP3s available for download.

"; sort ($file_array); reset ($file_array); ?>

" . $file_array[$i]['band'] . "
"; } if ($currentalbum != $file_array[$i]['album'] ){ print "   " . $file_array[$i]['album'] . "
"; } $currentband = $file_array[$i]['band']; $currentalbum = $file_array[$i]['album']; $i++; } ?>